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“…the currently accepted method of choice for identification of semen in all circumstances is detection of p30 using the
ABAcard® test”

Presidents DNA Initiative
National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice
Forensic Laboratory Use
Catalog #
ABAcard® p30 for the Forensic Identification of Semen (25 test/kit)


ABAcard® p30 for the Forensic/Crime Identification of Semen (25 test/kit)
* Same as 308332 but also contains 25 prefilled vials with extraction buffer and 25 swabs. All items are individually packed for individual use.


Each kit contains individually wrapped tests.
Store at room temperature.
10-minute test.
A step-by-step technical information sheet is included with each kit.
Catalog No. 308332 is designed to be used in Forensic Laboratory setting. Catalog No. 404334 is designed to be used in Forensic & Crime Laboratory setting and comes with 25 pre filled vials of extraction buffer and 25 swabs. ABAcard® p30 Test is only for in vitro detection of p30 for the forensic identification of semen. Not for clinical diagnostic use.
Catalog No. 404334 and 488099 is designed to be used in a Crime Scene setting i.e. it has accessories such as extraction buffer vial & swabs.
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ABAcard® p30 is the method of choice. Why?

StarForensic Lab Version: Watch a video on the ABAcard® p30 under Presidents DNA Initiative
Source: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, President’s DNA Initiative Video

StarForensic Lab Version: Watch another video on the ABAcard® p30 under Presidents DNA Initiative
Source: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, President’s DNA Initiative Video

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Partial List of References
  1. Presidents DNA Initiative, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. ABAcard ® p30 Test as an accepted method of choice for the identification of semen in all circumstances.
  2. Chang. M. A Comparison of Rapid Stain Identification Test for Semen (RSID ™ – Semen), Seratec ® PSA Semiquant, and ABAcard ® p30 Tests for the Forensic Identification of Seminal Fluid
  3. Unuma K. The proportion of false positives in positive Seratec ® prostate specific antigen SemiQuant test results in postmortem screening for seminal fluid. Legal Medicine.Vol. 62.May 2023
  4. Singh HN, Paul R. Identification of human semen (spermatozoa) through different methods in forensic investigation.International Journal of Research and Review. 2022; 9(3): 105-112.
  5. Emily S. Boward, Stacey L. Wilson. A Comparison of ABAcard® p30 and RSID Semen Test Kits For The Forensic Semen Identification. J Forensic Leg Med.
  6. David B. Rivers,Claire Hammerschmidt,Alexandra Carrigan, and KayleenMelvin.Retention of Human Body Fluids in Adults of Calliphoravicina(Diptera: Calliphoridae). J. of Medical Entomology, 58(4), 2021, 1663–1672
  7. J. Kearsey, H. Louie &Hiron Poon. Validation study of the ABAcard®p30 test kit for RCMP casework. 
  8. Brett Griffin. Detective Leading Senior Constable, Forensic Investigator. The feasibility of using ABAcard®  p30 Test Kits at a crime scene where it is alleged a sexual assault took place.
  9. Marvez-Valls, E., Travis, D., Savadore, T., Haydel, M. ABAcard p30 Test for the Identification of Semen in Sexual Assault Victims
  10. Benton, K.A.,  Donahue, J.A., Valadez, Jr. , M.   Analysis of the ABAcard®  p30 Test for  use in the forensic laboratory.
  11. Kuester, J.,  Rothenberg, D.,  Schwartz, E.,  Eustace, M., Adamo, R.  Validation of a commercial  p30 kit  (ABAcard®)  for forensic identification of semen.
  12. Carradine, C.C. Evaluation of  ABAcard® p30 test for the  identification of  Semen
  13. Kristaly, A., Smith, D.A.S. Validation of  ABAcard®  p30 test for the rapid forensic identification of  Semen.
  14. Silenieks, E., Pearman, C., Atkinson, C. The Use of the ABAcard® p30 Test for the Detection of p30 (PSA) in Seminal Stains and Swabs.
  15. Sattler, E. A Timeline of Seminal Fluid Markers within the Arid Zone. Northern Territory Police, Crime Scene Examination Unit.
  16. Hobbs, M, Steiner, M., Rich, K, Gallo, M.  Vaginal swab specimen processing methods influence performance of rapid semen detection tests (ABAcard® p30 Vs. Semenogelin)
  17. Biomarker Validation of Recent Unprotected Sexual Intercourse in Prospective Study of Young Women Engaged in Sex Work in Cambodia
  18. Kristin Koch, Lewis O. Maddox, Ph.D., Bryan Suit, Jacki Higgins, Charlotte J. Word, Ph.D., and Robin W. Cotton, Ph.D. Cellmark Diagnostics, Germantown, MD . Forensic use of ABAcard® test for the identification of the p30 Antigen
  19. Marcia M. Hobbs, Markus J. Steiner, Kimberly D. Rich, Maria F. Gallo, AnadilAlam, MotiurRahman, PremaMenezes,TsungaiChipato, Lee Warner and Maurizio Macaluso, Good Performance of Rapid Prostate-Specific Antigen Test for Detection of Semen Exposure in Women: Implications for Qualitative Research
  20. Presidents DNA Initiative. Presidents DNA Initiative. Semen Stain Identification:  P30 analysis by ABAcard. Protocol 2.0




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