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“The method of choice today is the ABAcard® HemaTrace” |
Forensic Laboratory Use |
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ABAcard® HemaTrace® for the Forensic Identification of Human Blood (25 test/kit)
*Contains 25 test cards, 25 prefilled vials with extraction buffer and 25 ID labels. All items are individually packed for individual use.
708424 |
Crime Scene Use |
Product |
Catalog # |
ABAcard® HemaTrace® for the Crime Scene Identification of Human Blood (25 test/kit)
*Contains 25 test cards, 25 prefilled vials with extraction buffer, 25 ID labels and 25 swabs. Same as 708424 except it has an additional 25 swabs. All items are individually packed for individual use.
808426 |
Each kit contains individually wrapped tests.
Store at room temperature.
10-minute test.
A step-by-step technical information sheet is included with each kit.
Catalog No. 708424 is designed to be used in Forensic Laboratory setting.
Catalog No. 808426 and 599010 is designed to be used in a Crime Scene setting. It has an additional accessory i.e. a swab. ABAcard® HemaTrace® is only for the in vitro qualitative detection of human blood for crime scene/forensic use. Not for clinical diagnostic use.
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Hematrace® is the method of choice. Why
Forensic Lab Version: Watch a video on the ABAcard® Hematrace® under Presidents DNA Initiative
Source: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, President’s DNA Initiative Video
Forensic Lab Version: Watch another video on the ABAcard® Hematrace® under Presidents DNA Initiative
Source: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, President’s DNA Initiative Video
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Partial List of References
- Presidents DNA Initiative, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® as a method of choice.
- Carl A. Streeting, Janet Chaseling, Matt N. Krosch and Kirsty Wright. Comparison of ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® and RSID Blood tests on dried diluted bloodstains treated with leucocrystal violet or luminol
- Lemire, C. Forensic Aspects of Trace Human Blood Evidence: From Presumptive Test to STR Profile. Graduate Thesis. Harvard University.
- Reynolds, Mark. The ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® A confirmatory identification of human blood located at crime scenes. IABPA News.
- Johnston, S., Newman, J., Frappier, R.Validation study of ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® test for the forensic identification of human blood. Canadian Soc. For. Sci.
- Silenieks, E., Atkinson, C., Pearman, C.The Use of the ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® for the Detection of Higher Primate Blood in Bloodstains. Forensic Science, South Australia. Presented at the ANZFSS Symposium, Wellington N.Z.
- Bevel, T., Gardner, R. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Second Edition..
- Swander, C.J., Stites, J.G.Evaluation of the ABAcard® HemaTrace® for the forensic identification of human blood. MAFS Annual Meeting.
- Kristaly, A., Smith, D.A.S. Validation of the ABAcard® HemaTrace® for the rapid forensic identification of human blood.
- Connie J. Swander, and Jennifer G. Stites. Evaluation of the ABAcard HemaTrace for the Forensic Identification of Human Blood
- Mark Reynolds. ABAcard ® HemaTrace ®
- Vermont Police. Validation of ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® for the forensic identification of Human Blood
- David B. Rivers,Claire Hammerschmidt,Alexandra Carrigan, and KayleenMelvin.Retention of Human Body Fluids in Adults of Calliphoravicina(Diptera: Calliphoridae). J. of Medical Entomology, 58(4), 2021, 1663–1672
- J. S. Gill, W. A. Rowley, P. J. Bush, J. P. Viner, & M.J.R. Gilchrist. Detection of Human Blood in the Bat Tick Carios(Ornithodoros) kelleyi(Acari: Argasidae) in Iowa
- Culliford, B. The examination and typing of bloodstains in the crime laboratory. Washington, D.C. US Department of Justice.
- Presidents DNA Initiative. Presidents DNA Initiative. DNA Analyst Training. Lab Training Manual Protocol 2.20