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Partial List of References
ABAcard® p30 for the Crime Scene Identification of Semen

  1. Presidents DNA Initiative, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. ABAcard ® p30 Test as an accepted method of choice for the identification of semen in all circumstances.
  2. Chang. M. A Comparison of Rapid Stain Identification Test for Semen (RSID ™ – Semen), Seratec ® PSA Semiquant, and ABAcard ® p30 Tests for the Forensic Identification of Seminal Fluid
  3. Unuma K. The proportion of false positives in positive Seratec ® prostate specific antigen SemiQuant test results in postmortem screening for seminal fluid. Legal Medicine.Vol. 62.May 2023
  4. Emily S. Boward, Stacey L. Wilson. A Comparison of ABAcard® p30 and RSID Semen Test Kits For The Forensic Semen Identification. J Forensic Leg Med.
  5. David B. Rivers,Claire Hammerschmidt,A Carrigan, and KayleenMelvin.Retention of Human Body Fluids in Adults of Calliphoravicina(Diptera: Calliphoridae). J. of Medical Entomology, 58(4), 2021, 1663–1672
  6. J. Kearsey, H. Louie &Hiron Poon. Validation study of the ABAcard®p30 test kit for RCMP casework. 
  7. Brett Griffin. Detective Leading Senior Constable, Forensic Investigator. The feasibility of using ABAcard®  p30 Test Kits at a crime scene where it is alleged a sexual assault took place.
  8. Marvez-Valls, E., Travis, D., Savadore, T., Haydel, M. ABAcard p30 Test for the Identification of Semen in Sexual Assault Victims
  9. Benton, K.A.,  Donahue, J.A., Valadez, Jr. , M.   Analysis of the ABAcard®  p30 Test for  use in the forensic laboratory.
  10. Kuester, J.,  Rothenberg, D.,  Schwartz, E.,  Eustace, M., Adamo, R.  Validation of a commercial  p30 kit  (ABAcard®)  for forensic identification of semen.
  11. Carradine, C.C. Evaluation of  ABAcard® p30 test for the  identification of  Semen
  12. Kristaly, A., Smith, D.A.S. Validation of  ABAcard®  p30 test for the rapid forensic identification of  Semen.
  13. Silenieks, E., Pearman, C., Atkinson, C. The Use of the ABAcard® p30 Test for the Detection of p30 (PSA) in Seminal Stains and Swabs.
  14. Sattler, E. A Timeline of Seminal Fluid Markers within the Arid Zone. Northern Territory Police, Crime Scene Examination Unit.
  15. Hobbs, M, Steiner, M., Rich, K, Gallo, M.  Vaginal swab specimen processing methods influence performance of rapid semen detection tests (ABAcard® p30 Vs. Semenogelin)
  16. Biomarker Validation of Recent Unprotected Sexual Intercourse in Prospective Study of Young Women Engaged in Sex Work in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  17. Kristin Koch, Lewis O. Maddox, Ph.D., Bryan Suit, Jacki Higgins, Charlotte J. Word, Ph.D., and Robin W. Cotton, Ph.D. Cellmark Diagnostics, Germantown, MD . Forensic use of ABAcard® test for the identification of the p30 Antigen
  18. Marcia M. Hobbs, Markus J. Steiner, Kimberly D. Rich, Maria F. Gallo, AnadilAlam, MotiurRahman, PremaMenezes,TsungaiChipato, Lee Warner and Maurizio Macaluso, Good Performance of Rapid Prostate-Specific Antigen Test for Detection of Semen Exposure in Women: Implications for Qualitative Research
  19. Presidents DNA Initiative. Presidents DNA Initiative. Semen Stain Identification:  P30 analysis by ABAcard. Protocol 2.06

ABAcard® Hematrace® for the Crime Scene Identification of Human Blood

  1. Presidents DNA Initiative, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. ABAcard® HemaTrace®Test as a method of choice.
  2. Carl A. Streeting, Janet Chaseling, Matt N. Krosch  and Kirsty Wright. Comparison of ABAcard ® HemaTrace® and RSID Blood tests on dried diluted bloodstains treated with leucocrystal violet or luminol
  3. Lemire, C. Forensic Aspects of Trace Human Blood Evidence: From Presumptive Test to STR Profile. Graduate Thesis. Harvard University.
  4. Reynolds, Mark. The ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® A confirmatory identification of human blood located at crime scenes. IABPA News.
  5. Johnston, S., Newman, J., Frappier, R.Validation study of ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® test for the forensic identification of human blood. Canadian Soc. For. Sci.
  6. Silenieks, E., Atkinson, C., Pearman, C.The Use of the ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® for the Detection of Higher Primate Blood in Bloodstains. Forensic Science, South Australia. Presented at the ANZFSS Symposium, Wellington N.Z.
  7. Bevel, T., Gardner, R. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Second Edition..
  8. Swander, C.J., Stites, J.G.Evaluation of the ABAcard® HemaTrace® for the forensic identification of human blood. MAFS Annual Meeting.
  9. Kristaly, A., Smith, D.A.S. Validation of the ABAcard® HemaTrace® for the rapid forensic identification of human blood.
  10. Connie J. Swander, and Jennifer G. Stites. Evaluation of the ABAcard HemaTrace for the Forensic Identification of Human Blood
  11. Mark Reynolds. ABAcard ® HemaTrace ®
  12. Vermont Police. Validation of ABAcard ® HemaTrace ® for the forensic identification of Human Blood
  13. David B. Rivers,Claire Hammerschmidt,Alexandra Carrigan, and KayleenMelvin.Retention of Human Body Fluids in Adults of Calliphoravicina(Diptera: Calliphoridae). J. of Medical Entomology, 58(4), 2021, 1663–1672
  14. J. S. Gill, W. A. Rowley, P. J. Bush, J. P. Viner, &  M.J.R. Gilchrist. Detection of Human Blood in the Bat Tick Carios(Ornithodoros) kelleyi(Acari: Argasidae) in Iowa
  15. Culliford, B. The examination and typing of bloodstains in the crime laboratory. Washington, D.C. US Department of Justice.
  16. Presidents DNA Initiative. Presidents DNA Initiative. DNA Analyst Training. Lab Training Manual Protocol 2.20

SALIgAE® For the Crime Scene Identification of Saliva

  1. David Casey, Judy Price. False Positives With Other Technologies
  2. Liang.T., Roy, R. Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-VIS) and SALIgAE ® Qualitative and Semi-quantitative Tools for the Analysis of Salivary Amylase. J. Forensic. Res.
  3. Camilleri, E., Silenieks, E., Henry, J.  SALIgAE ® Test: Locating Saliva Stains using the Polilight® and SALIgAE ® Spray.
  4. Silenieks, E. SALIgAE ® Test: The Detection of  Salivary Amylase in Expirated Blood Patterns Technical Note.
  5. Miller, D., Hodges, J. Validation of Abacus SALIgAE® Test for the Forensic Identification of Saliva. West Virginia State Police.
  6. Carlesso, J, Silenieks, E, Henry, J. The SALIgAE ® Test For The Forensic Identification of Saliva. Forensic Science South Australia.
  7. Si-Keun Lim, Kyung-Don Kwak, Dong-Ho Choi, Myun-soo Han . Validation of new saliva test using SALIgAE ®.  Analytical Science & Technology.
  8. SALIgAE® Test for the Presence of Saliva. DNA Analyst Training. Laboratory Training Manual. Protocol 2.11. President's DNA Initiative.
  9. Keating SM and Higgs DF. The Detection of Amylase on Swabs from Sexual Assault Cases J. For. Science.
  10. Auvdel MJ. Amylase levels in semen and saliva stains. J. For. Science.
  11. Hochmeister MN et al. High levels of alpha-amylase in seminal fluid may represent a simple artifact in the collection process.
  12. Bhoola K.D. et al. A Survey of Kallikrein and Amylase in a population of schoolgirls throughout the menstrual cycle. Clin Sci and Mol Med.
  13. David Veldhoen. Detection Limits of SALIgAE ® to Identify Amylase in Expirated Bloodstains
  14. Whitehead PH and Kipps AE. The significance of amylase in forensic investigations of  body  fluids. For Science.
  15. Presidents DNA Initiative. SALIgAE ® Test for the Presence of Saliva. DNA Analyst Training. Lab Training Manual Protocol 2.11

Uritrace®For the Crime Scene Identification of Urine

  1. Wilson, J.  Validation For The Uritrace® Test. Tulsa Police Department Forensic Lab.
  2. Kenneth Pfoser, Rashed Al Shamsi*, Haifa Al Bastaki.  Validation of the Uritrace Test for Urine. Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory, Dubai Police Department*.
  3. Canino, Tracey. Validation of the Uritrace® Test for Forensic and Crime Scene Identification of Urine. Vermont Police Department Forensic Laboratory.

Hemascein® To Reveal Latent Bloodstains

  1. Peter Bilous, Marion Fossum, Cassandra Hallmark. Blood Enhancement Reagents, Luminol, Bluestar®, Fluorescein, and Hemascein™ : a quantitative comparison of properties essential for crime scene investigations.  Presented at IAFS Meeting, September 2011, Portugal.
  2. Son Bu-Nam, Lim Si-Keun, Park Jung-Gi, Jung Sung-Hee. Validation of a novel latent bloodstain detection kit Hemascein. Gyeonnam Provincial Police Agency, Scientific Investigation Section and National Institute of Scientific Investigation, DNA Analysis Department.
  3. Kotaro Yamagishi, Kazuhiko Tsukada, Akihiro Kato, Yuzo Shiozawa, Masamitsu Ichioka. Effectiveness of New Bloodstain Preliminary Examination Reagent. Japanese Forensic Science and Technology (JAFST). 2011
  4. Detective Lieutenant JP Sinclair. Hemascein® Experience. Vermont State Police. 2011.
  5. Sergeant Larry Barksdale, Martin Matsoff. Bloodstains As Evidence. A Field Manual. 2011.
  6. Peter Bilous, Ph.D, Marie McCombs, Matt Sparkmon, Jenn Sasaki. Detecting Burnt Bloodstain Samples with Light-Emitting Blood Enhancement Reagents. Presented at American Academy of Forensic Science Meeting (AAFS) 2010.
  7. Cassandra Hallmark, Peter Bilous, Ph.D. Light-emitting Blood Enhancement Reagents: A Comparison Study in the Detection of Burnt Bloodstains. 2010.
  8. Sergeant Larry Barksdale.  Hemascein® : Discovery and Testing of Human Blood. Lincoln Police Department.
  9. Morgan Cheyne. Illiminating Latent Blood Application Methods, Fixatives, Alternatives and New Formulas for Luminol (2012)

Narcotrace™ for the Forensic Identification of d-Amphetamine (AMP), Morphine (OPI),d-Methamphetamine/MDMA (MET/MDMA), Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) , Cocaine (COC), Fentanyl (FEN), Oxazepam (BZO) and Ketamine (KET)

  1. Curt E. Harper PhD, Dani C. Mata MS, Dayong Lee PhD. The impact of fentanyl on DUIDs and traffic fatalities: Blood and oral fluid data.
  2. Manuela Alcañiz, Montserrat Guillen, MiguelSantolino. Prevalence of drug use among drivers based on mandatory, random tests in a roadside survey
  3. European Monitoring Center For Drugs and Drug Addiction. Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines in Europe — findings from the DRUID project
  4. Christine Moore, Bill Lindsey, Curt E. Harper, Jennifer Knudsen. Use of Oral Fluid to Detect Drugged Drivers : A Toolkit
  5. Oral Fluid Sub Committee DUID SOFT-AAFS.Frequently Asked Questions
  6. SOFT/AAFS Oral Fluid Committee. Oral Fluid Drug Testing Pilot Project Guidelines For DUI/D Investigations 
  7. Allison Veitenheimer, Jarrad Wagner. Evaluation of Oral Fluid as a Specimen for DUID
  8. V Vindenes, B Yttredal, E L Oiestad, H Waal, J P Bernard, J G Mørland, A Christophersen. Oral fluid is a viable alternative for monitoring drug abuse: detection of drugs in oral fluid by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and comparison to the results from urine samples from patients treated with Methadone or Buprenorphine
  9. Gus Burns. Positive roadside drug tests wrong nearly 24% of the time in Michigan pilot, data shows..
  10. B. Logan, Amanda L A Mohr, Stephen K. Talpins. Detection and prevalence of drug use in arrested drivers using the Dräger Drug Test 5000 and AffinitonDrugWipe oral fluid drug screening devices
  11. Michel Willekens. Center Report Belgium
  12. M. Asbridge, R.Ogilvie. A Feasibility Study of Roadside Oral Fluid Drug Testing.
  13. Sabina Strano-Rossi, Erika Castrignanò, Luca Anzillotti, Giovanni Serpelloni, Roberto Mollica, Franco Tagliaro, Jennifer P Pascali,Delfina di Stefano, Roberto Sgalla, Marcello Chiarotti. Evaluation of four oral fluid devices (DDS®, Drugtest 5000®, Drugwipe 5+® and RapidSTAT®) for on-site monitoring drugged driving in comparison with UHPLC-MS/MS analysis
  14. Roadside Drug Test Innocence Alliance. The Problem
  15. Alana Mazzoni.Banned for being sober: How roadside drug driving tests are WRONG up to 16% of the time - and innocent drivers could be losing their licence.s
  16. Ryan Gabrielson. Unreliable and Unchallenged
  17. Stefano Gentili,Renata Solimini, Roberta Tittarelli, Giulio Mannocchi,Francesco Paolo Busardò . A Study on the Reliability of an On-Site Oral Fluid Drug Test in a Recreational Context

Ddimertrace™ For the Forensic Identification of D-dimer to aid in the detection of Menstrual Blood

  1. Helen Konrad,BennoHartung, MicaelaPoetsch. (Un)Reliable detection of menstrual blood in forensic casework.Int J Legal Med. 2023 Nov
  2. Baker DJ, Grimes EA, Hopwood AJ. D-dimer assays for the identification of menstrual blood. Forensic Sci Int. 2011 Oct 10;212(1-3):210-4
  3. Holtkötter H, Dierig L, Schürenkamp M, Sibbing U, Pfeiffer H, Vennemann M. Validation of an immunochromatographic D-dimer test to presumptively identify menstrual fluid in forensic exhibits. Int J Legal Med. 2015 Jan;129(1):37-41


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